
When everything you love has fallen through the crack of your hand,

It makes an imprint in your heart, like feet in sand.

You try and try until you can’t try anymore,

You begin wondering what you’re here for.

Life used to be full of happiness and smiles,

But that all disintegrated after a while.

For it is when you’re alone that you realize how weak you are,

The pain takes over, you can’t eat, you can’t sleep and the littlest step in life is too far.

You need help; you’re not in denial,

But that walk to the future is as far as a million miles.

Your friends give you advice; at least you know that they care,

But you walk this path alone; it’s as if no one was there.

After a while your life becomes the same old depressing song,

You turn your life into a timeline, to see where you went wrong.

After so long hearing the same things pushes your friends away,

So you’re back at square one, no one to talk to, nor anything to say.

Always feeling sad and having no faith in yourself has become your routine,

You want to change, but you’re not sure if you’re ready for the happy scene.

You’re stuck like this, forever unfaithful, what will you do?

All the medication in the world couldn’t save you.

You try not to be selfish, knowing that everyone has their own issues,

They seem OK with theirs, but could they walk in your shoes?

You stand up and fight, only to fall down once more,

Every time you fall your heart is broken down to the core.

You want to believe that eventually, everything will be okay,

But you must accept that it might just stay the same way.

Will you forever fight for happiness that doesn’t belong to you?

Or realize that this is how eternity will be and there’s nothing you can do.

Only you and God knows the answer to that question it needs answered and you cannot run,

Just remember that some actions in this life cannot be undone.


August 11, 2003
